Black Friday Bonus: Get the exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of Tiago's Second Brain
Available only until Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 12pm ET
Get STarted
Cohort 15 is open for enrollment NOW! Join the new Membership to participate.

The Second Brain Membership

Where Your Ideas Meet Execution

Join a global community of lifelong learners, build your Second Brain, and unlock your creative potential.

start your free trial

So you’ve started building your Second Brain – your own personal system for consistently turning the information you consume into creative output and concrete results.

Congrats! This alone puts you ahead of about 99% of people.

The realization that your ability to process and manage the information around you is the biggest bottleneck to whatever you want in life is an important one. 

But you’ve also probably noticed that a Second Brain is not a “one-and-done” kind of thing.

Your knowledge management habits need to adapt as you move through different seasons in your life. When you start a new job or enter retirement, when you have a baby on the way or kids soon leaving the house, the demands on your mind change.  

What if you could join a supportive community committed to the same goal as you are – to unlock the full potential of the information in your life, and use it to make that life more fulfilling and meaningful? A community that is by your side as you learn and grow and pursue big goals and dreams?

Introducing the Second Brain Membership

The Second Brain Membership is your passport to a global community of talented, curious, inspiring human beings who are harnessing the two most powerful forces in the world – knowledge and technology

It’s a distributed mastermind concentrating the collective brainpower of diverse creators, students, freelancers, parents, lifelong learners, productivity enthusiasts, and so many others in one grand gathering.

Our members come from the world’s leading organizations

What will you get out of the Second Brain Membership

Here are six great reasons to join…

1. Access to experts through real-time interaction

The Second Brain Membership is the opposite experience of reading the BASB book or watching a YouTube video quietly by yourself. Our workshops and Q&As create an interactive learning environment where you can engage with new ideas and ask hard questions in real time. This is so important because there isn’t just one way to do knowledge management. Through seeing diverse examples of what works, you’ll define your own way that fits your needs. 

2. Learn from your peers

We’re always impressed by the caliber of people who join us and generously share their experiences, perspectives, and insights inside the community on Circle. Your peers will ask questions that you never would have thought to ask, but provoke a breakthrough for you nonetheless.

3. Build your network and find creative collaborators

The Second Brain Membership is the perfect opportunity to grow your network and make new friends since you’ll be meeting so many people with similar goals, interests, and values. In our community, people have found new friendships, new jobs, and partners for creative projects. 

4. Personalized support

By their nature, the BASB book and Foundation course are one-size-fits-all. But your situation and needs are unique. Only in the Second Brain Membership can we personalize your experience to address and resolve any doubts and roadblocks immediately so you can move forward. 

5. Stay accountable to your goals

Signing up for the Second Brain Membership requires a certain level of commitment and holds you accountable for your progress. We promise that the momentum of hundreds of people committed to their own ambitious goals will propel you forward like nothing else

6. Receive feedback from humans

“Am I doing this right?” It’s completely normal to second-guess yourself at some point when trying something new. In our community, you can share your progress and get direct feedback. Sometimes, all you need is validation and small adjustments to see a big difference. 

Join The Second Brain Membership

Your all-access pass to create your Second Brain and unlock your creative potential.

  • Monthly Q&As with Tiago Forte*: Get direct coaching from Tiago himself to work through any roadblocks that are keeping you stuck.
  • Weekly Live Events: Deepen your practice and connect with other Second Brainers during Office Hours and Weekly Review sessions.
  • Expert Workshops: Join Tiago and other experts for exclusive workshops on topics such as AI, productivity, and personal knowledge management. 
  • Second Brain Checkup: Take the self-assessment to diagnose the state of your PKM system and receive personalized recommendations based on your areas for improvement.
  • Circle Community: Stay connected to like-minded peers who support you on your journey.
  • 30-Day Free Trial: Your first month inside the Second Brain Membership is on us!

$175 per quarter

OR $499 per year (saves $200)

Start your free trial

* Tiago will go on several month-long writing sabbaticals in the upcoming future to make progress on his new book. In those months, the Q&A will be replaced by another event.

The community is well-curated with thoughtful discussions from a wide variety of professional experience — I learned almost as much from the other participants in the class. Have taken quite a few online courses and Building a Second Brain stands up to any that I’ve done in terms of value delivered per dollar and hour spent.

Chris Sparks

Former professional poker player turned executive coach

I got much more than my money's worth before I even started the Building a Second Brain course. One of the biggest benefits I've received has been about connecting with so many amazing, super smart people from around the world including the mentors and peers. The Circle is easily one of the best resources for tapping into high-quality peer-created and curated content that I will continue to use for years to come.

Sean Kearney

Founder, UpGaged LLC

My favourite part of BASB is being in a community with other lifelong learners. Every time we interact on social media or in Circle, I learn something new. I'm learning that the true value of the course is the relationships you gain while learning together.

Ron Harris

Meet your guides inside the Second Brain Membership

Tiago Forte


Tiago has spent more than 10 years researching and personally experimenting with a new way of organizing our digital lives and improving our productivity.

What started as a quest to deal with a chronic illness turned into a life-long mission to help you harness the full potential of your ideas and turn them into reality.

Tiago hosts monthly Q&A sessions to coach you directly through any roadblocks that are keeping you stuck.

He will also lead regular specialized workshops where he shares his most current experiments and discoveries in areas such as AI, digital productivity, and knowledge management.

Maria Aldrey


Maria draws on her expertise to empower creators and small businesses in achieving clarity, focus, and impactful results through effective knowledge management.

She believes in the power of self-compassion, flow, and messy starts when it comes to doing your best work.

Through her warm and engaging facilitation, Maria invites you to explore the intersection of productivity, creativity, and personal growth.

Inside the Second Brain Membership, Maria hosts…

  • Weekly Office Hours to answer your questions about building a Second Brain
  • Weekly Review sessions to help you clear your digital environment and plan for the upcoming week
  • Expert workshops to help you level up your knowledge management practice

Is this “your kind of people”?

You’re probably wondering: Will this work for someone like me? Will I fit in? Will I benefit from this?

It’s completely natural to ask these questions.

Ultimately, we want you to find a home in our community. A place where you feel you belong. Where you can talk about personal knowledge management, notetaking apps, and your own projects and ambitions to your heart’s content.

Building a Second Brain has the tendency to attract an incredibly diverse crowd of ambitious learners, creators, and thinkers from all walks of life and all over the world, including…

Knowledge Workers

For anyone who needs to consume a lot of information, understand it, and use it to produce a result in their job, our community will give you a steady stream of new ideas for how to best utilize your Second Brain tools in a competitive economy.


As a YouTuber, blogger, podcaster, or someone who needs to give killer presentations at work, our community will give you a safe place to test out your ideas and content before sharing it with the wider world


If you’re working on a thesis or want to make sure every ounce of your learning is captured and secure forever, the Second Brain Membership will help you get the most out of your studies and stand out among your peers.

Freelancers & Entrepreneurs

Having trouble managing all the information you need to run your business? Our community of practice will help you remember to step back and work on your business, not just in your business.


Managing a household can be chaotic and draining. But when you see how others leverage technology the right way and use their Second Brain to offload some of the burden, life at home can be so much more peaceful and calm.

Life-Long Learners, Productivity & Self-Improvement Enthusiasts

You’re consuming a ton of useful information but struggle to put it into practice. Our community will keep you accountable to revisiting and concretely putting all that knowledge to use.

Ultimately, the Second Brain Membership is for anyone who wants to succeed in our digital world and share their ideas with a supportive, aligned group of peers with their best interests at heart.

Join The Second Brain Membership

Your all-access pass to create your Second Brain and unlock your creative potential.

  • Monthly Q&As with Tiago Forte*: Get direct coaching from Tiago himself to work through any roadblocks that are keeping you stuck.
  • Weekly Live Events: Deepen your practice and connect with other Second Brainers during Office Hours and Weekly Review sessions.
  • Expert Workshops: Join Tiago and other experts for exclusive workshops on topics such as AI, productivity, and personal knowledge management. 
  • Second Brain Checkup: Take the self-assessment to diagnose the state of your PKM system and receive personalized recommendations based on your areas for improvement.
  • Circle Community: Stay connected to like-minded peers who support you on your journey.
  • 30-Day Free Trial: Your first month inside the Second Brain Membership is on us!

$175 per quarter

OR $499 per year (saves $200)

Start your free trial

* Tiago will go on several month-long writing sabbaticals in the upcoming future to make progress on his new book. In those months, the Q&A will be replaced by another event.

Answers to your frequently asked questions

What kind of events do you offer as part of the Membership?

Tiago hosts monthly Q&A sessions* where you can get direct coaching from him (this is currently the only way to get direct access to him). He will also lead regular specialized workshops where he shares his most current experiments and discoveries in areas such as AI, digital productivity, and knowledge management.

In addition, our BASB Facilitator Maria Aldrey runs:

  • Weekly Office Hours to answer your questions about building a Second Brain
  • Weekly Review sessions to help you clear your digital environment and plan for the upcoming week
  • Expert workshops to help you level up your knowledge management practice

* Tiago will go on several month-long writing sabbaticals in the upcoming future to make progress on his new book. In those months, the Q&A will be replaced by another event.

Where do you host the Second Brain Membership?

We’re hosting the Second Brain Membership on the popular community platform Circle. Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll see inside once you join:

What's the difference between the quarterly and annual Membership?

The quarterly Membership renews every 3 months (90 days) and the annual Membership every 365 days.

Both the quarterly and annual Membership will automatically renew until you cancel them. You'll receive a reminder email 7 days before your renewal date.

What's the refund policy for the Second Brain Membership?

We do not provide refunds for the Second Brain Membership.

Do you offer discounts or scholarships?

We don’t offer discounts or scholarships. Instead, we support Purchasing Power Parity Pricing. Based on your location, you might qualify for a reduced price for the Second Brain Membership.

If you do, you’ll automatically see a banner with a discount code on this page. Make sure to disable any VPN since this will block the banner from showing.

Didn’t see the answer to your question? Check our Help Center for more FAQs. 

Still on the fence? 

Our digital lives are expanding exponentially. Your profession, projects, and even hobbies require you to consume and understand more information than ever, and it will only get more demanding.

Building a Second Brain is the answer to information overload and overwhelm.

You’ll clear the mental clutter so you can start doing your best work with more clarity, purpose, and ease.

We invite you to join our global community of lifelong learners, master the secret arts of information, and finally unlock your creative potential.

Join The Second Brain Membership

Your all-access pass to create your Second Brain and unlock your creative potential.

  • Monthly Q&As with Tiago Forte*: Get direct coaching from Tiago himself to work through any roadblocks that are keeping you stuck.
  • Weekly Live Events: Deepen your practice and connect with other Second Brainers during Office Hours and Weekly Review sessions.
  • Expert Workshops: Join Tiago and other experts for exclusive workshops on topics such as AI, productivity, and personal knowledge management. 
  • Second Brain Checkup: Take the self-assessment to diagnose the state of your PKM system and receive personalized recommendations based on your areas for improvement.
  • Circle Community: Stay connected to like-minded peers who support you on your journey.
  • 30-Day Free Trial: Your first month inside the Second Brain Membership is on us!

$175 per quarter

OR $499 per year (saves $200)

Start your free trial

* Tiago will go on several month-long writing sabbaticals in the upcoming future to make progress on his new book. In those months, the Q&A will be replaced by another event.